

Deceptions of the West and why Cease Fire May be impossible in Russia/Ukraine War - Putin

Ukraine says 37 killed in Russia missile strike 


Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly stated his position and that of the Russia federation on a possible ceasefire along the contact line with Ukraine and why it may be impossible based on repeated deceptions by the NATO allies propelling Ukraine.

According to President Putin: "When our troops were near Kiev, we received a proposal and even a plea from our Western partners to cease fire and stop hostilities in order for certain things to be done on the Ukrainian side. We did it."

"There was a moment when we did it. The Ukrainian side did not cease hostilities. Later we were told that the official Ukrainian authorities could not control all their military units, because there were allegedly those that were not subordinate to the central authorities. This is what we were told, no more and no less. This is first."

" Second, we were asked to move our troops away from Kiev in order to create conditions to finally sign a peace treaty. We did this and faced deception once again: all the agreements reached in Istanbul were thrown in the trash. Such things happened repeatedly."

"Therefore, we cannot just declare a ceasefire hoping that the opposing side will take some positive steps."

"We also cannot allow the adversary to take advantage of this ceasefire to improve its positions, rearm itself, fill up its army through forced mobilization, and get prepared to continue the armed conflict.We must ensure that the opposing side agrees to take steps that would be irreversible and acceptable to the Russian Federation."

" Therefore, a ceasefire is impossible without reaching this agreement" , Putin said  .

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