

We must thank God that as Woke Soyinka advanced age, he remains mentally sharp, avoiding the dementia that often plagues the elderly — Chief Joe Umezulike

 Dear Fellow Nigerians,


I want to share some reflections on the state of our nation, particularly focusing on the contributions and legacy of our esteemed elder, Professor Wole Soyinka. Prof. Soyinka has been a beacon of intellectual prowess and activism, greatly contributing to the development of Nigeria from a young age. By 35, he had already achieved remarkable feats, elevating Nigeria's name on the global stage. We must thank God that at his advanced age, he remains mentally sharp, avoiding the dementia that often plagues the elderly.

In Nigeria, respecting our elders is a deeply rooted value, and we must uphold this tradition. Any remarks or actions by Prof. Soyinka that may seem out of character should be viewed with forgiveness and understanding. Aging brings various challenges, and we should honor his lifetime of service to our nation.

Contrasting the legacy of Prof. Soyinka, it's disheartening to see many of today's youths indulging in harmful behaviors. The prevalence of substance abuse, domestic violence, and general apathy among our young people is alarming. These actions not only damage their lives but also contribute to the broader societal decay.

We have historical examples of young leaders who took on monumental responsibilities. General Yakubu Gowon became Head of State at 29 and even got married in the government house. Similarly, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu took on significant leadership roles at a young age. These leaders faced immense challenges head-on, shaping the course of our nation's history.

When former President Muhammadu Buhari remarked that Nigerian youths are lazy, it sparked anger, but upon reflection, there is a truth we must confront. Many youths today are engrossed in frivolous activities—playing games on their phones, binge-watching Netflix, frequenting nightclubs, and engaging in immoral acts. This diversion from meaningful engagement leaves a void in the fight against corruption and societal decay.

Our country desperately needs able-bodied youths to rise and challenge the corrupt political class. The cycle where becoming a governor translates to instant and perpetual wealth must be broken. We need accountability and active participation from our younger generation to demand better governance.

It is time for a revival of the spirit of patriotism and responsibility among our youths. We must channel our energies towards constructive actions, questioning injustices, and working towards a better Nigeria. Let us honor the legacies of our elders by building on their achievements and striving for a brighter future.

Chief Joe Daniels Umezulike.


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