

Rivers State Crisis: Appoint Youth Commissioners — High Chief Joe Umezulike writes Sim

 Subject: Recommendation to Appoint Youth Commissioners

Dear Governor of Rivers state,


I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to you regarding the recent resignations of several commissioners from your cabinet. It is indeed concerning to see such a significant number of key officials stepping down from their positions.

Upon reflection, I believe this presents a unique opportunity for you to enact positive change within the governance structure of Rivers State. Rather than viewing these resignations solely as a setback, I urge you to seize this moment as a chance to empower the youth of your state.

As evidenced by the resignations, there may be a perception among some individuals that political connections or allegiance to former governors or leaders are prerequisites for success in government roles. However, I firmly believe that talent, dedication, and fresh perspectives are equally, if not more, valuable attributes in public service.

Therefore, I recommend that you consider appointing capable and driven young individuals to fill the vacant commissioner positions. By doing so, you can demonstrate your commitment to fostering a new generation of leaders and ensure that the voices and aspirations of our youth are represented at the highest levels of decision-making.

Moreover, appointing youth commissioners would not only inject new energy and innovation into your administration but also inspire confidence and hope among the younger population of Rivers State. It would send a powerful message that meritocracy and inclusivity are core principles of your governance system.

I stand ready to support and assist you in identifying suitable candidates who possess the requisite skills, integrity, and passion to serve your state with distinction. Together, we can work towards building a brighter future for Rivers State by harnessing the potential of the youth.

Thank you for considering my recommendation. I remain optimistic about the positive impact that your leadership can have on your beloved state.

Yours sincerely,

High Chief Joe Daniels Umezulike

New Nigerian Mandate

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