

Venezuela Unrest: Why Maduro Arrests Senior Opposition Leader Allied With Guaidó,

The vice president of Venezuela's opposition-controlled National Assembly Edgar Zambrano was arrested by intelligence agents Wednesday night in Caracas. 

Venezuelan intelligence agents who effect the arrest of the opposition leader used a tow truck to drag his vehicle away with him inside.

The U.S. government warns that there will be consequences if he isn't released.

Edgar Zambrano was in his car when he was surrounded by SEBIN intelligence agents. When he refused to leave car, agents used a truck to tow it with Zambrano inside to the SEBIN headquarters. 

The incident was tweeted by Zambrano as it happened.

Alertamos a todo el pueblo de Venezuela en este momento 6:35pm estamos rodeados por el SEBIN, nos encontramos dentro de nuestro vehículo desde la instalaciones de Acción Democrática en la Florida.— Edgar Zambrano (@edgarzambranoad) May 8, 2019

Neighbours watching shouted "Assassins!" as the agents towed him away, The Associated Press reports. The arrest came as President Nicolás Maduro was on live state television at the opening of an agricultural project.

Zambrano's detention is the first arrest of a lawmaker since the unsuccessful attempt last week by opposition leader Juan Guaidó to stage an uprising against Maduro's government. The government accuses Zambrano of being involved in that attempted uprising, NPR's Philip Reeves reports.

On state television, Diosdado Cabello, the head of the pro-Maduro Constituent Assembly, said that "one of the principal conspirators of the coup" had just been arrested. "They will have to pay before the courts for the failed coup that they attempted," he said, according to Reuters.

A day earlier, Constituent Assembly stripped Zambrano and six others of their parliamentary immunity – a move the opposition doesn't recognise, Reuters reports.

Guaidó tweeted that "the dictatorship has kidnapped" the assembly's vice president. "They've arrived at the absurd by towing his car with him inside, violating all the processes and displaying the authoritarianism to which they adhere."

Tensions are high after last week's attempted uprising failed to remove Maduro. So far, Maduro has held back from arresting Guaidó himself, as it would stir an international backlash. The U.S. quickly expressed its disapproval of Zambrano's arrest.

"The arbitrary detention of deputy @edgarzambranoad by the oppressive security forces of Maduro in Venezuela is illegal and inexcusable," The U.S. Embassy in Venezuela tweeted. "Maduro and his accomplices are directly responsible for Zambrano's safety. If he is not released immediately, there will be consequences."

La detención arbitraria del diputado @edgarzambranoad por las fuerzas de seguridad opresoras de Maduro en Venezuela es ilegal e inexcusable. Maduro y sus cómplices son los responsables directos de la seguridad de Zambrano. Si no es liberado de inmediato, habrá consecuencias.— Embajada Virtual de los EE.UU., Venezuela (@usembassyve) May 9, 2019

The Constituent Assembly stripped Guaidó's immunity in early April. The U.S. recognizes Guaidó, the head of the National Assembly, as the country's legitimate interim leader, and the Trump administration has made clear that his arrest would mark a serious escalation.

The head of Venezuela Supreme Court, head, Maikel Moreno  on Wednesday, rebuffed the U.S. government’s threats to sanction his court’s members if they did not reject Maduro’s government and accept Guaido.

The U.S. Treasury Department imposed sanctions on Moreno and the seven principal members of the court’s constitutional chamber in 2017 for rulings that “usurped the authority” of the National Assembly.

U.S. Vice President Mike Pence said on Tuesday the Trump administration would soon sanction the 25 remaining members of the court. 

Pence said the United States was lifting economic sanctions on a former Venezuelan general who turned against Maduro in order to encourage other Maduro allies to follow suit.

The head of the Organisation of American States, Luis Almagro, said: “We demand the SEBIN stop the intimidation, respect the lawmakers’ parliamentary immunities, and immediately release Edgar Zambrano.”

NPR / Reuters

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