

US Sanctions on Iranian Oil regrettable, EU Statement

EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini, as well as foreign ministers of France, Germany and the United Kingdom, issued a joint statement on Saturday, expressing concern over US decision to scrap sanction waivers for oil imports from Iran. They also reiterated to maintain financial and trade ties with the Islamic Republic.

"We note Iran’s continued compliance with the JCPoA, as repeatedly confirmed by the IAEA … The remaining participants to the JCPoA are committed to working on the preservation and maintenance of financial channels and exports for Iran, together with third countries interested in supporting the JCPoA," the statement added.

European parties to Iran nuclear deal have criticized recent US decisions to restrict oil trade with Iran and to limit the extension of waivers for nuclear non-proliferation projects.

In a joint statement, Britian, Germany and France said that the US decision not to extend sanctions exemptions on Iran oil sales was regrettable.

“We ... take note with regret and concern of the decision by the United States not to extend waivers with regards to trade in oil with Iran,” Britain’s foreign office said in a joint statement with its German and French counterparts and the European Union, Reuters reported on Saturday.

“We also note with concern the decision by the United States not to fully renew waivers for nuclear non-proliferation projects,” Britain’s foreign office added.

Last week, the United States said it would stop waivers for countries buying Iranian oil which expired on May 2. The US also announced on Friday that it would try to force Iran to stop producing low-enriched uranium, a move that has been rejected by Iran.

President Rouhani and Parliament Speaker Larijani said on Saturday that Iran will continue with production of low-level uranium enrichment in line with its nuclear deal with world powers despite the US decision.

 Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has recently said that Tehran would continue selling its oil abroad despite US threats and warned Washington of serious 'consequences' if it prevents Iran from selling its oil.

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