


©️Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

“ Wicked Forces that want me to be a waste to my generation, release me and Let me go in Jesus name”.

That was the prayer point I told the young boys and girls to pray when they resumed at my place by 3pm. I didn’t know what to preach to them, so I decided to tell them to pray instead, as I briefly told them the devil’s plan is to waste destinies. I told them a bit of my story.
Tunde; the boy who had been sent to different vocational centres, but was always running away from there without learning anything, sat down looking very uninterested at whatever I was asking them to do. He had his trousers sagged. The teacher in me was getting really irritated, I wanted to get a good cane to whip some senses into his brain but I knew that would be a wrong approach.

Ajaara was seated amongst them. I had told Favour to let her return for the class. Surprisingly, she came with Mercy. I guessed Favour had to explain how Ajaara came about and my name and story couldn’t be hidden any more. I was happy to see her. I was happy I didn’t tamper with her life back then in her school. She greeted me respectfully and told me she was happy I had found Christ. She looked more matured as she was in the university already.

Ajaara was putting on one of the tops I was sure Mercy had given her, but Ajaara had turned it to a crop top by tying it behind. She wanted her flat fair belly to show.

I had 4 other teenagers present, plus Gloria and her siblings. As they were supposedly praying, we heard someone running towards us in tears. A woman was flogging her daughter towards the compound.

“ Useless girl, so you don’t want to attend the class, Witch, Mermaid” She said as I tried to stop the woman from beating her.

“ Oga Pastor, I have dashed(given) her to you and Jesus. I don’t want to see her anywhere near my house”. She said and left us.

This was getting more complicated than I thought. I didn’t know much of the word of God to feed this hungry teens and just like the story of the young boy who gave out his lunch to Jesus to feed the multitude, I heard Mercy’s voice from behind me, singing a beautiful popular song...

“ If you can use anything Lord,
You can use me”

Then She started changing the Lyrics

“ If you can change anyone Lord,
Please Lord Change me...
If you can Change anyone Lord
Please Lord Change me
I give myself away
So you can use me...”

Music definitely has a way of bringing people together. The teenagers joined Mercy in singing the song. She stretched her hands to the left and the right for hands and the teenagers willingly joined hands with each other as they sang.

“ I know what it feels like when we do things we don’t want to do, but I know God can change us if we give him our all” Mercy said as the song continued.

I joined the circle as well, and I heard Myself say

“ Few weeks earlier, From my own view of life, I had nothing to offer, I was a waste, but God in His mercy felt He could still bring out a treasure from my trash. You all are my treasure in the making. I never knew God had this much for me..” I said with pain in my heart. “ So please, give me the opportunity to be used by God for your lives... I know some of you have been written off by friends, family but I want you to know, God doesn’t write anyone off...”

Some of the teens could not hold back their tears. I told them to have their seats.

“ I know some of you are wondering who I am and why you have to be here, Well the answer is simple; God sent me here for you, I don’t know how long I will be here, but see me as a messenger of God. I am willing to be your friend, your teacher, your adviser, your uncle and the listening ear your parents don’t give you.” I said and I watched as some of them listened intently to what I was saying, while Tunde pretended not to listen.

The first thing I want us to have within this family is TRUST. I want you all to trust me and know your secrets are safe with me. So for the next one hour, I will be having a listening session, 10 minutes for each person. You will be free to tell me anything you have always wanted to tell someone but you have been afraid to share with anyone. Ok?, So are we all okay with that...?”

“ Me First..” Gloria shouted as they all gave positive responses except Tunde.

“ So if you are in this journey with me, stretch your hand over mine” I stretched my hand forward and one after the other, they laid their hands on mine. The only one who did not stretch his hand over mine was Tunde as he stood afar off.

I sat down for 1 hour and I was amazed at the deep struggles the teenagers had with their sexuality. I sometimes had to look at their faces to be sure they were the ones talking.

“Lord, Teenagers are not meant to be experiencing this” My heart screamed to the Lord.

After the 1 hour session of listening to various issues, I concluded in my heart that the devil had gone so far in tampering with the lives of these young ones. Amazingly there were some of the teenagers who had Sex on a daily basis as it had become a daily addiction to them.

The one that shocked me most was Mercy, Favour’s daughter. I knew Favour was going to be heartbroken if she knew her saint daughter was into Masturbation.

At that point, I knew I had received the mandate, but I felt I was not fully armed with the physical and Spiritual knowledge to help the children.

“ God, what do I do?” I asked myself as I wasn’t a pastor, an apostle, or a deliverance minister.

To be continued





To continue reading this series and other inspiring and life changing stories from the author, follow her on Facebook @ Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde-Official or WhatsApp 08151103646.
God bless you

Written by Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde
Deep Thots

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