

Sudan Latest: al Bashir charged, At least a dozen protesters wounded by military says Doctors

The Sudan Doctors Committee says at least a dozen protesters were wounded in clashes with the military, including eight at the ongoing sit-in area outside the military's headquarters in Khartoum.
Footage circulating online Monday showed protesters blocking roads in Khartoum with burning tires and trees. Other footage showed men from the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces forcibly dispersing protesters.

The Sudan Doctors Committee is part of the Sudanese Professionals Association, which has spearheaded the protests since December that eventually led to the military's ouster of President Omar al-Bashir last month. The protesters have remained in the streets, demanding a swift transition to civilian rule.

Ousted al Bashir Charged

Sudan's state news agency says prosecutors have charged ousted President Omar al-Bashir with involvement in killing protesters and incitement to kill protesters during the uprising that drove him from power last month.

SUNA publicised the charges Monday. It was not immediately clear what punishment he might face.

The transitional military council ruling Sudan has said al-Bashir will face justice inside the country and will not be extradited to the Hague, where the International Criminal Court has charged him with war crimes and genocide linked to the Darfur conflict in the 2000s.

Al-Bashir was imprisoned in the capital, Khartoum, days after the military removed him from power.

The protesters have remained in the streets, demanding a swift transition to civilian rule.

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