

Russian Military Registers 5 Ceasefire Violations in Syria Over Past 24 Hours

MOSCOW  - The Russian side of the Russian-Turkish commission monitoring the implementation of the Syrian ceasefire has registered five truce breaches in the country over the past 24 hours, while the Turkish side has recorded 15 ceasefire violations, the Russian Defence Ministry's Centre for Syrian Reconciliation said Thursday.

"Over the last 24 hours, the Russian party of the Russia-Turkey Commission on violations of the Joint Agreement has registered 5 cases of firing in the provinces of Aleppo (1) and Latakia (4). The Turkish side has registered 15 cases of ceasefire violations in the provinces of Aleppo (8), Idlib (4), Latakia (2) and Hama (1)", the centre said in its daily bulletin.
The number of areas that have signed reconciliation agreements in Syria remained same and totals 2,518. The number of armed formations that have pledged to observe the ceasefire also did not change, standing at 234.

Russia, Turkey and Iran are the guarantors of the ceasefire in the conflict-affected Syria. Russia carries out humanitarian operations across the country on a regular basis and helps Damascus in providing safe passage for the return of Syrian refugees.

According to the UN Refugee Agency data, about 5.6 million Syrian refugees have fled to neighbouring states and beyond since 2011, while millions more remain displaced inside Syria.

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