

Palestinian MP Dahlan visits Sudan along with UAE minister

Palestinian MP and dismissed Fatah leader Mohammad Dahlan, who is a security advisor for the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, visited Sudan along with an unnamed UAE state minister, the New Khaleej reported yesterday.
According to Al-Quds Al-Arabi, the news site said that Dahlan travelled to Khartoum onboard of a UAE plane along with the UAE minister whose identity remained unknown.

Sources said Dahlan had met with the leaders of the transitional council and held separate meetings with the leaders of the political factions in the country.

Sudanese activists are fearful of the UAE’s increasing influence in the country since the ousting of longtime dictator Omar Al-Bashir in 11 April.

Saudi Arabia and the UAE’s roles in Sudan remains unclear however when interim President Abdel-Fattah Al-Burhan was appointed, Riyadh offered Khartoum humanitarian aid. Several aid packagesfrom the UAE and Saudi have followed since.

The UAE has said it will inject $250 million into the Sudanese Central Bank as part of its pledge to assistant the nation.

Their incursion will only abort the civilian struggles to takeover the realm of political power in Sudan and allow pro Bashir transitional council to hold on to power. 

African Union and the United Nations back the protesters' demand fro a civilian led transition.

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