

Mike Pompeo in London, Says US Must Brace Up Against More Cyber Attacks from China, Warns UK over Huawei

WASHINGTON - The United States should be ready for China conducting more cyber-attacks in the future, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said during a speech at the Centre for Policy Studies in London.
"The APT10 Group [Advanced Persistent Threat 10 hacking group] acted on behalf of the Chinese Ministry of State Security to steal intellectual property and sensitive commercial data from Europe, and from Asia, and from the United States. We appreciate the United Kingdom publicly calling out China for that cyber-attack, there will be more, and we must be ever vigilant", Pompeo said.

The statement comes after US-based cybersecurity firm FireEye claimed in March that the APT40 hacking group conducted a cyber espionage operation targeting crucial technologies to bolster China's navy.

Pompeo accused China of stealing intellectual property related to artificial Intelligence, space technologies, and ballistic areas, among others, for military purposes.

In December, the US Department of Justice indicted two Chinese citizens for hacking and compromising clients in the United States and 11 other countries, including Brazil, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, India, Japan, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom.

US authorities did not disclose specific companies the hackers targeted, but said the hackers compromised computers connected with the US Navy, the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and NASA.

Pompeo urged the UK to prioritise its security interests and those of its allies when dealing with Chinese firm Huawei.

He said the US must protect its UK operations from "security risks" and ensure data partners were "trusted".

Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt said the UK would never "compromise" its ability to share intelligence with the US.

According to BBC, Following talks with his US counterpart, Mr Hunt insisted no decision had been taken on whether to involve the Chinese firm in the development of the UK's next generation broadband services, adding that ministers were still "considering the evidence".

The issue caused a major political row last week when defence secretary Gavin Williamson was sacked from cabinet after leaks of discussions from a National Security Council meeting.

This followed media reports suggesting a decision had been taken in principle to award Huawei contracts for non-core elements of the new network.

The US is alarmed at the growing global reach of Huawei, which its critics say is an arm of the Chinese Communist Party and is being used a vehicle to spy on foreign countries.

After talks with Theresa May and Mr Hunt, Mr Pompeo warned of Chinese attempts to "peddle corrupt infrastructure deals in return for political influence" around the world.

Referring to Chinese expansion in East Asia, he urged the UK "to be equally vigilant and vocal against those other Chinese activities which undermine the sovereignty of all nations".

While the UK had the sovereign right to take its own commercial decisions, he indicated the US expected its trusted ally to put security, not financial interests, first.

"I am confident that each of our two nations will choose the path to ensure the security of our networks," he said.

Pressed on the issue, he hinted that the US could re-consider some of its extensive defence and economic interests in the UK if the Huawei deal went ahead.

"We are making our views very well known.

"The US has an obligation to ensure the places where we operate, places where US information is, places where we have national security risks, that they operate within trusted networks and that is what we will do." He said

(Sputnik / BBC

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