

Mike Pompeo going to Russia amid disputes over Venezuela, Arctic

WASHINGTON (AP) — Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (pahm-PAY’-oh) will head to Russia to hold talks with President Vladimir Putin amid disputes over Venezuela’s political turmoil and other issues.
Pompeo will arrive in Moscow on Monday and then travel to Sochi on Tuesday to see Putin and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov (sir-GAY’ lahv-RAWF’). The State Department says they’ll discuss “the full range of bilateral and multilateral challenges.”

Pompeo met with Lavrov at an Arctic Council meeting in Finland this week. Pompeo publicly expressed concern about Russia’s intentions in the Arctic, where it’s seeking massive military expansion.

Days earlier by phone, Pompeo and Lavrov accused each other’s countries of interfering in Venezuela.

Pompeo will visit the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, meet with U.S. business leaders and lay a wreath at a war memorial.

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