

Issues In Christian Homes: Handling Misunderstandings


LESSON 10, 5/5/2019

Suggestion Hymns: G.H.B. 223, 259
Devotional Reading: Matt. 18:15-19
Topic for Adults: Forsake Wrath
Topic for Youths: Be Angry And Do Not Sin
Topic for Intermediates: No Harsh Words
Lesson Scriptures: Lk 6:27-37, Eph. 4:21-32, Col. 3:12-15, Matt. 5:21-25, Phil. 2:1-9

MEMORY VERSE: Therefore, if you bring your gift to the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar....First be reconciled to your brother and then come and offer your gift. (Matt. 5:23-24) NKJV.

Misunderstanding breeds offences and offences breed wrath. It is true that Christians
should not have enemies but not with wrath. No one plans for offences but when it comes,
what do we do to handle it? The way out is spelt out in this week’s lesson.


PART 1: OFFENCES WILL COME - LK 6: 27-37; EPH. 4:31-32

As long as you are involved in relationships in this planet, the marriage relationship
not exempted, offences will come. Offences are part and parcel of living on this earth. No
matter how spiritual you are, whenever you remember the person that offended you, it
dampens you somehow. This is devil’s strategy to shut you down spiritually and cut you off
from the flow of your anointing. Therefore, settle your mis-understanding amicably without
any strings attached because it will definitely come. You may notice that things are not just
blending with you and your fellow brethren or spouse when both of you are moody.

Offences make your spiritual sensitivity blunt and make your faith weak. So learn to forgive.
Forgiveness is the weapon against offences. You might still feel bad even after
forgiving that person or your spouse who offended you. Forgiveness and the feeling of
offence are two different things. Forgiveness is a decision of the will and not a feeling. Many
people are in the habit of saying “I may forgive but I will never forget” That is a second-rate
kind of forgiveness that believers are not supposed to settle for. You are to forgive
wholeheartedly “even as God for Christ’s sake has forgiven you” (Eph.4:32). You need to do this
to release that person from guilt permanently and unconditionally and to operate as if
nothing has ever happened between you.
When you do this, something supernatural will happen within you. The pain once
caused by the incident will disappear. The power of God will wash away the effects of it and
you will be able to leave it behind. You must not become an emotional bookkeeper of the
wrongs you have suffered. Learn to forgive and forget.
Anywhere offences are allowed to stay, peace is given license to leave. Don’t ever
allow offences in your home. Stick to peace for your family to continue to experience the
peace of God.


As a child of God, if you must handle misunderstanding, you need to put on tender
mercies, kindness, humility, meekness and longsuffering bearing with one another and be
forgiving even as Christ forgave you.
By doing these, we must put on love so as to enable the peace of God rule our hearts. Be
informed that anger and unforgiveness contribute to physical illness because they release
deadly toxins into the body.
When people hurt you, there are four things you must do:
1. Talk to them, do it the right time in the right place and in a right way. Before you say
anything, ask God to guide your thoughts and your words. Then say what God puts
in your heart in a loving non-judgmental way. After that, leave the rest to God.
2. Don’t retaliate. When you are tempted to be angry with someone, stop and
remember the price Jesus paid to take away the sins you committed. Seeing the
offender through Gods eyes will help you to forgive.
3. Let go. As long as one keeps dwelling on an issue, it keeps hurting. You may let
someone off your hook, but that doesn’t mean he is off God’s hook. Always allow
God to do the needful, He knows the best.
4. Ask God to bless them. You have to do this genuinely because Jesus said it in Lk
6:27-28. Remember that when Jesus tells you to do something, He backs you up with
the grace to do it.


Solomon says: The beginning of strife is like releasing water. Therefore, stop
contention before a quarrel starts.”(Prov. 17:14). Children of God must not quarrel, instead,
they must be kind to everyone. Is there any dispute in your heart robbing you of peace? Here
is what Jesus said you are supposed to do “if you are offering your gift at the altar and you
remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there and go and be
reconciled to your brother, then come and offer your gift.

Don’t expect your brother to come to you. You have to take the initiative in case he
would not come. When you allow things on the other hand, may be you have decided to
sleep on the matter for now, the Bible says “Be angry and do not sin, do not let the sun go down
on your wrath” (Eph. 4:25-27).
The enemy is ready to hurt both of you by driving a wedge into your relationship. To
restore to normal relationship, forgive and overlook the offence. If you want God to bless
you and accept your gift, seek reconciliation without delay.


Some have the urge to be lovely with others but not with their family. They are
tempted to allow for selfish privileges as if it doesn’t count. There are people who are
courteous to outsiders than to their own family. This should not be in Christian homes. We
must learn to do things that bring harmony in our family. If we want the power of
agreement (Mat. 18:19) to work in our lives, we must not allow strife in our homes. Strife
drops the shield of faith, stops prayer results and invites Satan and his cohorts into homes.
Don’t allow the enemy to intrude into your family. Any misunderstanding not properly
handled can lead to disintegration of the family. Always give room for the Holy Spirit to
settle your misunderstanding to avoid a dreadful result.


In homes, misunderstanding sometimes occurs. Allowing it to linger causes homes to
have breach of peace and fruitfulness. Always nip your misunderstanding in the bud as soon
as it occurs. There shouldn’t be lingering misunderstanding where Christ is reigning.


1. How should Christians settle their misunderstanding?
2. Why is forgiveness a weapon against offences?
3. What are the things Christians must put on to resolve their misunderstanding?
4. Mention four things Christians must do whenever they are offended.
5. Why should Christians not do things that bring disharmony in their family?

Read More about:

Building A Christian Home: GOAMINT Daily Devotionals And Weekly Sunday Bible School, Third Quarter

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