

Iranian Nuclear Deal: Russia vows to continue joint projects with Iran despite US sanctions

TEHRAN, May 10 (MNA) – Moscow will see through joint projects with Tehran despite mounting pressure from Washington, the Russian Foreign Ministry has said, urging European countries to maintain ties with Iran and abide by the 2015 nuclear deal.

Russia is looking forward to continuing works on joint projects with Iran, including in the nuclear energy sphere, the ministry said in a statement on Thursday.

The projects include the ongoing construction of the nuclear power plant in Bushehr, as well as the refurbishment of the Fordow uranium enrichment plant.
Referring to the recent decision of Tehran to suspend some of its obligations under the landmark agreement – officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) – the Russian Foreign Ministry said the move is “understandable,” given the US’ hostile actions against the country.

The move is perfectly legal, as the agreement allows the country walk away from some of its obligations if other signees do not stick to the deal, the statement added, urging “other participating countries” to fulfill their obligations.

On Wednesday, Iran reduced its obligations under the deal and vowed to take further steps on uranium enrichment in 60 days if the EU does not act to help its banking and oil sectors.

The ministry's statement also condemned the new batch of US sanctions against Iran, that targeted its metallurgy sector, urging “other countries” to maintain economic ties and trade with Tehran despite the pressure.


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