


The  Gospel Faith Mission International (GOFAMINT)
Issues in Christian Homes

LESSON 11:  12/5/2019

Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 83, 263
Devotional Reading: Mal. 2:14-16
Topic for Adults: Till Death Do us Part
Topic for Youths: For Better for Worse
Topic for Intermediate: Look Before You Leap
Lesson Scriptures: Matt. 5:31-32, 19:1-8; Mal. 2:13-16; 1 Cor. 7:1-11

MEMORY VERSE; “So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, let no man separate” (Matt. 19:6) NKJV.


Mon. 6/5/2019 God Hates Divorce Mal. 2:13-16

The word divorce is derived from the Hebrew word “Kerat”, which means “to cut off”.
Divorce really cuts off the marriage covenant and separates two partners that God joined
together. God hates divorce because it causes broken relationship that breaks the heart of
God and the partners involved. When people marry and then break up for reasons known to
them, it shows a lack of faithfulness to God. It is also undermining the commitment to the
covenant that He embedded in marriage. Divorce is awful and terrible because it is against
God’s words, it robs us of our spiritual blessing. It wrongs the partner to whom the covenant
promise is made. It ruins the continuation of a godly seed and generation. It is repulsive to
God and refuses to honour the permanent nature of marriage. Have the mind and courage
to make your marriage work.

Point of Emphasis:
Lack of the knowledge of the word of God is the main secret behind any divorce.
Prayer Points: Lord, help us to remain faithful and committed to our marriage vows no matter what happens.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Ezek. 38-40

Tue. 7/5/2019 Divorce Is Unlawful Matt. 19:1-8

Many mis-interprete Jesus’ comment on divorce till date. Our passage today shows that He
re-affirms that divorce was not permitted in the beginning. The issue of divorce was not
mentioned in the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus and Number. It was later discussed in
Deuteronomy Chapter 22 and 24 due to unbelief, disobedience and the hardness of the
people’s heart. For the New Testament believers, Jesus’ statement that; “and I say unto
you...” nullifies whatever Moses permitted. Love of God is basic for continuing in
marriage. Christ did not love us because we were righteous, doing everything as He wanted
it. Love your wife just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself a ransom for her. Love
her even when she is unrighteous, unstable and un-submissive. That is the key of staying
together for life. The couple should be committed to their marriage vow. Stay together to
glorify God.
Point of Emphasis: Marriage is a lifelong union, it is the love of God that can sustain it.

Prayer Point: Oh God, Help us to love our spouse and family just as Jesus Christ loved the church.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Ezek. 41-43

Wed. 8/5/2019 Married Couple Say No To Divorce And Remarriage 1 Cor. 7:8-14; 39-40

Jesus was not having the clauses for separation of marriage deviced by the people of this
modern age. Some of these clauses are due to intolerance. He asked His disciples to follow
God’s original design and principles and never to sever the oneness of their marriage bond.
A Christian couple is to bear witness to the world by keeping marriage indissoluble. They
represent the truth of covenant love and should live and grow in a spirit of forgiveness and
reconciliation. The instruction from Paul’s epistles is very simple not ambiguous at all.
“Now to the married I command, yet not I but the Lord; a wife is not to depart from her
husband, but even if she does depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her
husband. And a husband is not to divorce his wife” (1 Cor. 7:10-11) NKJV. The statement
nullified the writing of a certificate of divorce for the New Testament believer and the permitted divorce has a strict regulation – no adultery, meaning there should be no re-
marriage in this case except to the one from whom she was previously divorced.

Point of Emphasis: Re-marriage is like sealing up un-forgiveness and blocking every opportunity to reconcile.
Prayer Point: We bind and overcome every anti-marriage spirit of divorce and remarriage in Jesus’ name.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Ezek. 44-46

Thur. 9/5/2019 The Bitter Root Of Divorce Deut. 24:1-4

The real causes of divorce are hatred and un-forgiveness. Where there is the love of God,
there is nothing a spouse can do that cannot be overlooked. Love covers the multitude of
sins. Divorce is a climax and offshoot of hatred, deserting, bitterness, un-forgiveness, lack of
acceptance and loss of affection. In our passage, the driving force behind the accusation is
not even if there is a sin but hatred and unforgiving spirit within. “She finds no favour in his
eyes...” Divorce is a statement like “I am finished with her. I cannot and will never ever
forgive her! I have no hope anymore even in God changing her and working in her”. Can
you imagine going to heaven with such an unforgiving spirit? This permission was given to
the people because of the hardness of their heart. Is your heart hardened?
Point of Emphasis: There is nothing we cannot give to bring back the relationship between a man and his wife.
Prayer Point: O Lord our God, give us the grace to love and forgive and restore us fully in your love.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Ezek. 47 – Dan. 1

Fri. 10/5/2019 The Tragedy Of Divorce Lk. 17:1-4

Divorce severs a relationship and has devastating effect on the lives of the spouses and
children that are involved. The agreement and covenant between them are broken. Extra
marital affairs often occur when a marriage is broken. If a spouse resorts to having an affair,
it is a form of serious rejection. Divorce is an unfortunate experience. Negative communication is a serious factor in the fall of any marriage. Words are powerful, they can
break people’s heart and are capable of destroying people’s relationship. Harsh and
insensitive words can kill a marriage. No one is happy when a marriage fails. There is no
winner, everyone loses something significant because separation breaches God’s reason for
marriage. Divorce has the potential to disrupt godly seeds from taking their place in the
building of God’s kingdom. The offspring of divorce may also experience marital problem
in future. Therefore, believers should always forgive and avoid divorce.
Point of Emphasis: Nobody is happy when a marriage fails, future generations of God’s seed would not be possible.
Prayer Points: Our Lord and Creator, let your power stop every demonic storm blowing against our family relationship in Jesus’ name.
Reading the Bible through in a Year: Dan. 2-4

Sat. 11/5/2019 Symptoms of Divorce Prov. 5:15-20

Marriages don’t break in one day. Divorce creeps in gradually. The bottom line is that
certain attitudes and behaviors work against the relationship. Failure to keep Christ and His
word at the center of the relationship may mark the unnoticed beginning of the breakdown.
No marriage can fail with Jesus Christ as its focal point because the tie that binds it all
together is Christ. Before divorce, there are several strange behaviours that take place in the
family. Such include lack of communication, avoiding contact with each other, separation
of room and bed, starvation of each other with sex, separation of accounts, undisclosed
projects and so on. When you notice any of these symptoms in your relationship, take
caution and address the problem before it gets out of hand.

Point of Emphasis: Divorce does not happen suddenly, it happens gradually and in phases.
Prayer Point: Father, help us to take caution never to allow anything to come in between us in this family.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Dan. 5-7

Sun. 12/5/2019 Avoid Marriage Killer-Diseases Col. 3:5-14

There are some sinful patterns of living that are not helpful in marital relationship. The
Bible refers to them as “the old man” that deserves to be put off and crucified (vs. 9). They
sap the joy of marriage, kill the morale of marriage and are detrimental to a healthy
relationship. Some of them are: selfishness, unforgiving heart, making negative points of
reference, unfaithfulness, lack of trust, etc. The tendency to divorce and break relationship is
voluntary and not an impulse action. Avoid ephemeral things that can cause divorce. Trust
helps the couples to achieve matrimonial harmony and intimacy. Anything that will break
the trust and cause distrust should be avoided. They are marriage killer diseases that may
eventually cause separation or divorce.

Point of Emphasis: Intentionally “put off” the old nature in you and “put on” the new nature in Christ so that the bliss in your marriage may last.
Prayer Point: Transform us oh Lord by the power of your word and the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ name.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Dan. 8-10

God the originator of marriage and family does not approve divorce and re-marriage.
It contradicts God’s plan and violates divine injunction on marriage. Believers must know
the predisposing factors to divorce and re-marriage and learn how to avoid them, accept
each other and continue to stay together in marriage. This week’s lesson focuses on divorce
and re-marriage.



The word translated ‘divorce’ in Old Testament is the Hebrew word ‘Kerat’ which
means “to cut off”. That exactly is what divorce means. It cuts off the marriage covenant
and the relationship of the couple joined together by God. In the New Testament, the word
‘apostasion’ translated “divorce” means “a defection”. The dictionary meaning of defect is
“to forsake a party”. God places the responsibility of leaving and cleaving on the man. He
leaves and cleaves to his wife. Divorce occurs when he is not able to cleave tightly enough
to become inseparable. Marriage rests on the shoulders of the man, just the same way
divorce also does. Whatever happens in the home is the man’s responsibility, although it
may not be his fault. (Gen. 2:24).
Broken homes break the heart of God and inflict un-ending pains on all parties
involved. Happiness and harmony are destroyed and the parties involved are spiritually and
emotionally wounded. Vows and commitment are broken, iniquities are committed and
there are tremendous incurable pain, a permanent scar, a distress and depression. Marriage
vow is unto death, it is the responsibility of Christians to keep their marriage vow (Eccl.
5:4,5; Pro 18:14,19; Pro. 17:4).


Many people have invested enormous energy in their families and their future, yet, some
marriages failed. Some factors responsible for divorce include the following: Ignorance,
inadequate knowledge of God’s word and God’s principles that make marriage work. Some
of the factors that can lead to divorce are (Mal. 2:16; 1 Cor. 7:10,11).
 Selfishness: Many go into marriage because of the benefits they intend to derive from
it not thinking of the cost (1 Cor. 7:3,4).
 Incompatibility: The union can be endangered due to the incompatibility of the
couples either spiritual, biological, educational or personality (Amos 3:3).
 Lack and Hardship: Poverty or mismanagement of limited financial resources can
cause problems that may lead to divorce.
 Marital Infidelity: Being unfaithful, disloyal and deceitful in marriage could lead to
mistrust and a breakdown of the union.
 Domestic Violence: The presence of physical, verbal and emotional abuse is a serious
threat to the sanctity of marriage.
 Barrenness: Some people allow the situation of childlessness to degenerate to
separation and divorce.
 Third party influence: Undue interference from family, friends and foes e.g. too
much parental influence and control and too much dependence on extended family
 Poor interpersonal relationship and communication.
Others include bad behaviors and attitude, unresolved hurts and offences, demonic
influence, long separation etc.


From all indications, divorce is not acceptable to God. It is not an option and even
when it happens, the Holy Bible does not permit re-marriage (1 Cor. 7:10,11). The only case
when re-marriage is allowed is when one of the spouse dies. (1 Tim. 5:11-14). Forgiveness
can solve the problem of sexual immorality on the part of one of the spouses. Therefore,
Christian couples should learn how to get along no matter the situation, bearing in mind
that if re-marriage or singlehood is considered, you will probably encounter the same
problem again. Regret will hurt you in your lifetime. It is also going to be a stigma. You
may always suffer from a broken and wounded spirit, bitterness and deep seated resentment
which will have a negative effect on your spiritual and prayer life and hinder you from
making heaven. Your children will be affected greatly. They may also end up having broken


God is the architect, the designer, the initiator and creator of the oldest institution
called marriage. He is the only one that can help in making marriage work. His plans and
purposes are for us to comfort each other, enjoy life to the fullest and not to endure it. Give
Him a chance to manage and control your home. Get along in your marriage at all cost,
avoid factors that lead to marriage failure and tenaciously hold your marriage from failing.


1. What is divorce?
2. What are the factors that can lead to divorce?
3. Is there anything a believer can benefit from divorce?
4. What are the pains associated with divorce?
5. How can we prevent divorce in our marriage?

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