


The Gospel Faith Mission International (GOFAMINT)

LESSON 12, 19/5/2019

Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 226, 242
Devotional Reading: 1 Pet. 5:7-10
Topic For Adults: There Is Meaning To Life
Topic For Youths: Grow In Grace To Have Good Legacy
Topic For Intermediates: God’s Grace Is For The Righteous
Lesson Scriptures: Ps. 71:9-14; Prov. 15:21-25; Tit. 2:2-3; Col. 3:12-17; Isa. 46:4
MEMORY VERSE: “Even to your old age, I am He, and even to gray hairs I will carry you! I have made, and I will bear; Even I will carry, and will deliver you (Isa. 46:4) NKJV


MON. 13/5/2019 WALK WORTHY COL. 1:9-11

One of the ingredients needed in being filled with the knowledge of God’s will is praying
always and having absolute resolution to remain in the will of God. Also, we must
continually have fellowship with Him. The act of doing His will result in having spiritual
wisdom that transforms our hearts and lives (verse 19). Christians must learn to pray for
each other under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to have spiritual wisdom and the
knowledge of God’s will. Doing this will make us to be filled with the fullness of God and
experience the nearness of Christ. Strengthened with all might according to the glorious
power of God will give us power to overcome sin, Satan and the world. Our whole life will
radiate and depend on God’s grace. Nothing will stop us from bearing fruit for the Lord.

Point of Emphasis: Walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing.

Prayer Point: Father strengthen me with your power so that I can walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Dan. 11 – Hos. 1


Our text today speaks about the vision which Peter had when he went to pray. It is
commendable. The Bible urges believers to continue faithfully in prayer (Rom. 12:12). Peter
was hungry and fell into a trance, the voice that spoke with him must have been the Holy
Spirit. He was not in any doubt to recognise that as can be deduced from his response in
verse 14. His main problem was that he had not come to the term that ‘what God hath
cleansed, should not be undermined: It is a pity that some Christians have prejudice against
some people. They find it difficult to relate with people that are not from their clan, tribe
and nation. If you want to live your life well and be free with everybody, don’t be ethnocentrical.

Point of Emphasis: Ethnocentrism brings unwarranted hatred, don’t involve yourself in it.

Prayer Point: Help me O Lord not to be biased against anybody in your household.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Hos. 2-5


There is bond to be disagreement between couples and family members. There is no point to
get emotionally unstable or exaggerate the problem beyond proportion. Involving ourselves
in any of these will give room to the devil. Learn to settle your differences amicably, don’t
go to sleep without settling your differences, no matter how minor it may be. Maintain the
unity of faith in your family by speaking the truth in love (Eph. 4:15)

Point of Emphasis: Settle your differences amicably, don’t give room to the Devil.

Prayer Point: Lord Jesus, give my family the grace to settle our differences without giving room to the devil.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Hos. 6-8


It is a fact, nobody likes to be treated as an object of ridicule. Respect is reciprocal. The
three watchwords please, sorry, thank you (PST) are magical words that heal what could
have translated into crisis. Verse 23 of our text says “a man hath joy by the answer of his
mouth: and ‘a word spoken in due season how good is it’. Don’t speak nagging word to
each other. Learn to listen very well. If you do, it is possible that you will see your fault and
there may be need for you to apologise. Make use of P.S.T (please, sorry, thank you)
always. You will see the wonders this will do to your inter-personal relationship.

Point of Emphasis: Use the three watchwords appropriately.

Prayer Point: Help me Holy Spirit to apply the three watchwords whenever there is need for it.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Hos. 9-12


The Israelites above 20 years aside from Joshua and Caleb were bared from entering into
the promise land because of the hardness of their hearts and unbelief. The Holy Spirit speaks
to believers these days not to resort to worldly pleasures. Ignoring His warning will make
commitment to truth and righteous living not a priority. One would seek pleasure in the
way of the world rather than the way of God. Note: Don’t get to the point of no return
where there will be no remedy. Examine yourself, is there a heart of unbelief in you (verse
12). Repent now and God will forgive and re-instate you.

Point of Emphasis: Worldly pleasures will prevent you from fulfiling your purpose on Earth, don’t be involved in it.

Prayer Point: Holy Spirit, I depend on you, give me grace not to be involved in or seek worldly pleasures.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Hos. 13 – Joel 1


A deep desire to feed on the living and abiding word of God is the means through which a
believer can remain spiritually healthy. Members of the family that want to remain fruitful
and watchful must not allow their spiritual hunger and thirst for God’s word to diminish.
You must always desire the sincere milk of the word of God as a new born baby. This is the way for you to grow. You must not be careless to allow your relationship with Christ to slip
off. Continue to nourish your soul through the undiluted word of God.

Point of Emphasis: Create in me a deep desire to feed on the word of God.

Prayer Point: Holy Spirit, help me and my family to continue to feed on the living and abiding word of God.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Joel 2 – Amos 1


There is no magic or two ways about it. If the parents which you term as ‘old school’ had
not given birth to you or had aborted you when you were still in the womb; maybe you will
not be alive today. Do not despise your father and mother just because they have grown old.
Instead, have a deep love for them. Though God is the source of life, but without our
parents, we would not exist. There is nothing that we can give our parents that is precious as
‘life’ itself. Think of the self-sacrifice, anxious care, expense, and loving attention they have
exercised in bringing you up. The word of God that says “Honour your father and mother
that it may go well with you” cannot be jettisoned. While the children honour their parents,
the parents in return should pray for their children. Locate your parents, do something for
them. Parents, pray wholeheartedly for your children.

Point of Emphasis: Honour thy father and mother... that it might be well with you.

Prayer Point: Thank you God for my parents, it shall be well with them in their old age and I will be fruitful and succeed them in Jesus’ name.

Reading the Bible through in a Year: Amos 2 – 4

Many view life as a mystery, full of crisis with nothing to enjoy. Those that are not of
Christ Jesus may perceive life like this, but Christians should have a different perspective
about life. It was created to be enjoyed and not to be endured. Obeying Christ’s direction as
revealed in the word of God will save us from a lot of insurmountable burdens confronting
the people that are outside Christ in the world. This week’s lesson assures Christ’s people
that the Holy Spirit of God will lead them through life even to the time of their old age.
Whatever problem they are confronted with will be borne by God’s grace. Their life story
will be a success and will be written in gold as they grow in grace and be watchful.



Protecting yourself and your family from the world’s destructive influence is
something that you must not handle with levity. First, Christians must endeavor to have a
loving family bounds by love that makes their home a safe haven or paradise on Earth.
Every member of the family must grow up hating everything displeasing to God.
There are challenges in life, but these challenges mean different things to people.
Some view challenges as a stepping stone to their breakthrough while to some, it is a
blockage to their success. The way we view and what we do with challenges in life is a
determinant of what we get from it.
The passage read for this division was a prayer by someone who faced life challenges
and needed help. He knew that God’s help was needed to overcome the problem. He prayed to God to rescue him from his enemies and afflictions. It can be deduced from the content of
his prayer that he had walked in God’s way since childhood (verses 5-6, 17). Though he had
experienced many troubles, he maintained his faith and confidence in the Lord. He was
determined to live the rest of his life with confidence that God would deliver him from all
his troubles.
Any believer or family who maintains a godly devotion with God and do His will
grow in grace and also be watchful that nothing pollutes their godliness. Assuredly,
godliness is rewarding. It is beneficial for all things, as it holds promises pertaining to life
now and in the life to come. Following the godly direction in the Bible will give your family
happiness. Hope in God constantly irrespective of what comes your way. Hope in Christ
does not disappoint (Rom. 5:5)
Those who fear God turn from evil and build their lives around the instruction of
God. They take delight in God and hope in Him always. To have lasting joy and succeed in
life, put your hope in God. Doing this will make your family to be blessed (Ps. 1:1-3). Be
determined to live the rest of your life with the confidence that God will take care of
everything that concerns you.


Due to differences in temperament, some find it difficult to remain calm when
discussing or when settling a misunderstanding. Some get emotionally unstable and
exaggerate issue beyond proportion.
In such a situation, Christian must follow the Biblical injuction that says that we
should speak the truth in love and be watchful that we do not sin; let not the sun go down
upon your wrath. This, therefore, entails that Christians should settle their difference
amicably as soon as possible.
Whenever problem or misunderstanding occurs in the family, Christians should trash
it out. Don’t give room to ‘triangulation’ or ‘detouring’. This has no positive value to your
existence. Rather, it makes the family to grieve the Holy Spirit (Eph. 4:30). Ignoring the
presence of the Holy Spirit will lead to animosity.
‘Triangulation’ is a technical word which means a situation in a family when a group
of three people exclude the third e.g. A mother may form a coalition against the father or
vice versa. This is unhealthy, stop it immediately if you are involved in the practice.
“Detouring” is another word for ‘scapegoating’. It has to do with ignoring dealing
with a serious problem. It is to be occupied with a lesser issue. It applies to a situation when
parents keep themselves busy with trivial matters rather than their common objective. They
do this to avoid the pain of dealing with serious problems.
Family members should learn to communicate better in order to develop a better
relationship so as to address issues amicably using Bible principles to arrive at decision that
will promote their family’s stability.
Family members should learn not to nag or embark on souring relationship that can
give room to Satan in their family. When differences occur, learn to listen carefully to one
another. The one who is at fault should be able to see his or her mistake and there may be
need to say sorry, please, or thank you. These are three watchwords that heals wound in the
society. Each family member should know how to control his or her utterance.


The word ‘sober’ from the passage read carried two meanings in the New Testament
times. Literarily it connotes abstinence, self-restraint or control.
Aged men are to be examples of faith while the aged women must put on good
conduct befitting godly people. There are various aspects relating to family issues that
require self-control in order to grow in grace. Self-control: Restraining one’s spirit;
exercising self-control is very important for those who want to grow in grace. Some of these
 Finance. Spend the income within your means. As much as you can, don’t allow
your family to go into debt by spending above your income and resources.
 Build good identity for yourself and family to impact the next generation.
 Work on your health. Pray for good health. If there is need to, seek for physical
check up. It is not a sin. Have regular check up with competent physicians.
 Determine to leave a good legacy. This will empower you to forge ahead. It will
enable you to attach true meaning to life.
 Have positive attitude towards aging: people do not age the same way. Human
beings age by their experiences, culture and expectations. Aging is a thing of the
mind. Whatever may be your age; you can still be relevant. Ronald Reagan became
the President of The United States of America at seventy.
 Don’t accept setbacks, don’t just sit doing nothing. Forge ahead.

PART 4: HONOUR THE AGED ONES – COL. 3:12-17; ISA. 46:4

As Christians, we must not despise our parents because they have grown old. We
must keep loving and celebrating them. We must put on tender affection of mercy, kindness
and love to care for the aged ones.
The Lord our Creator is the giver of old age. He promised to carry and deliver us
from every problem in life. He has been catering for them since the beginning of their lives.
He is able to continue to act on our behalf even in our old age (Isa. 46:4).
Our parents gave birth to us; without them, most probably we wouldn’t be existing.
There is nothing greater we can give them that can equate the life given us. Think of what
they have done for you. Honour your father and mother that it may go well with you (Eph.
Contrary to the gods of unbelievers which are carried by hands, God has promised to
care for us from the beginning of our lives to the end. He is able to carry and deliver us (Isa.
46:4). All we need is to grow in grace and be watchful
There are ingredients that Christians must exhibit in order to grow in grace. Satan
and his cohorts remain a threat to family success. If Christians can stand firm in faith, we are fully equipped to defeat his schemes which he has enacted against our happy co-existence.

1. How can one enjoy his or her family and not endure it?
2. How can Christians protect their family from worldly destructive influence?
3. What is the fate of a family which maintains a godly devotion and does God’s will?
4. Discuss the word ‘triangulation’ and ‘detouring’.
5. What is watchful and of what importance is it to the family members?
6. How can Christians celebrate the aged one?


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