


This post is particularly targeted at folks who tagged themselves Buharists and its meant to reset your brains if you have any at all or the ones you call brain are not cotton wool or that space for brain is not filled with sawdust
From 2013 till 2015 I acted as Director Special Duties at Buhari Support Group Centre BSGC Cotonou Crescent Wuse Zone 6 which later metamorphosed to Buhari Support Organisation BSO where I also acted as Head, Special Duties, I just gave you my political credentials, so you know I belonged to inner caucus of Buhari camp in the past

I was drafted into the Buhari camp by former Chief Security Officer CSO Alhaji Abdulahi Maikano, my job entails Intelligence coordination and other varied roles I don't need to highlight here, so I was always in contact with DSS officers, Bodyguards etc

Bulus Lekshak was a retired Fighter Jet Pilot of the Nigerian Airforce from Plateau State who worked assiduously and efficiently for the emergence of this administration. You can not find a man who loves and admires Buhari more than him, he gave his all even to the detriment of his personal comfort

During the campaign in late 2014 till 2015 election, this patriot led the advance security team nationwide, traversing the length and breadth of Nigeria through our network of dilapidated roads.

Shortly after the electoral victory, he became sick due to exhaustion. He was not given adequate healthcare and he died shortly after inauguration

His death came to me as rude shock but that was not all, how he was treated in death by this administration he worked for assiduously made me so angry and I realised these people are evil. During his burial no one attended from Abuja, no condolence visits, no support to his wife and children who just gained admission into University then, so I said to myself "just imagine the way you will be treated if you are in his shoes"

So many of you unthinking and naive supporters tagging yourselves Buharists who knows nothing about how selfish and insensitive Buhari can be, this is just a resetting process and also to format your brains to factory settings the one that was given by God Almighty to you until many of you decided to be silly and stupid shouting nonsense all over the space.

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