

Why Syrian army targets rebels in Idlib

The Syrian army on Monday conducted shelling on rebels' fortifications in Syria's northwestern province of Idlib, the last major rebel stronghold in Syria, according to the state news agency SANA.

The Syrian shelling targeted the positions and fortification of the rebels in the areas of Marat al-Numan in the southern countryside of Idlib.
The shelling, SANA said, was a response to the rebels' shelling and attempts to attack Syrian forces in Idlib countryside in violation of the Russian-Turkish de-escalation zones' deal.

Major losses were inflicted on the rebel positions in the northwestern countryside of Idlib as well, said SANA.

Turkey and Russia brokered a deal in September to impose a demilitarized zone in Idlib and its surrounding areas. However, violations are still being reported on an almost daily basis.

The extremist groups such as the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham refused to withdraw from the zone.

On the contrary, the HTS expanded and controlled the entire Idlib area.

The Syrian government while supporting the Russian-Turkish deal, said repeatedly that Idlib would inevitably return under the government control and that the government's patience has limits.

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