

This Is Another Form Of Terrorism: Turkish secret services support Nusra in Idlib, says Syria’s UN ambassador

NUR-SULTAN, April 26. - Turkey’s intelligence services support the terrorist group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (former name of Jabhat al-Nusra outlawed in Russia) in Idlib Province, Syria’s chief negotiator at the talks in Nur-Sultan, UN ambassador Bashar Jaafari told a news conference on Friday.
"As many as 85% of terrorists in Idlib are Hayat Tahrir al-Sham. They enjoy support from Turkish intelligence services," he said. "This is another form of terrorism.

According to Jaafari, Turkey has brought to terrorists in Idlib dozens of shells charged with toxic chemicals for use against the Syrian army and civilians,.

"There have been confirmed intelligence reports that Turkey has delivered dozens of rockets [with chemicals] to terrorists in several districts of Idlib for use against the Syrian army and civilians. The attacks will be blamed on the Syrian government," he said. 

"There is a great amount of chemical weapons in stock in Idlib. They will be put to use if Syria and its allies try to regain control of Idlib by military means.".


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