

SUDAN: TMC invites protesters to talks amid tensions - talks with the military will lead to nothing say protesters

Sudan's ruling military council proposed a meeting on Wednesday with the organizers of the protests that toppled President Omar al-Bashir after they suspended talks with the generals over the weekend.

The council said in a statement it is willing to discuss proposals from the coalition of groups behind the protests for an immediate transfer of power to a transitional civilian government.
The Sudanese Professionals Association and its allies, who organized the four months of demonstrations that drove al-Bashir from power on April 11, have not yet accepted the invitation.

The SPA plans to announce its own civilian transitional council during mass rallies on Thursday.

The protesters suspended talks with the military over the weekend after the military council said it was consulting all of Sudan's political forces on a path forward. The protesters accuse the council of failing to make a clean break with al-Bashir's regime and of trying to marginalize the SPA by depicting it as one of many political factions.

The SPA says the head of the military council's political committee and its chief negotiator, Lt. Gen. Omar Zain al-Abdin, was the head of al-Bashir's party within the military and is trying to revive his regime.

Omer el-Digair, an opposition party leader and member of the coalition, said talks with the military's political committee "will lead to nothing."

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