

Maduro's Government Expands Investigations after Power Sabotages

Caracas, Apr 24 -The Government of Venezuela has expanded its investigations into the sabotages on the National Power System (SEN) perpetrated by the domestic right wing with foreign support, as a result of which 80 percent of the country''s power generation was affected.
At the Miraflores Palace (the venue of the Executive), President Nicolas Maduro assured on Tuesday that the domestic accomplices to the 'terrorist attack' on the SEN have been identified, and added that they had used their posts to sabotage the machines at the Simon Bolivar Hydroelectric Plant in the dam of El Guri, in the state of Bolivar.

In that regard, the president noted that those involved 'will be punished with the full force of the law', after trying to destabilize Venezuela to put institutionality in crisis by seriously affecting basic services to the people.

In that regard, Communication and Information Minister Jorge Rodriguez told a news conference that 'the United States, Spain and Colombia have sheltered some of the authors' of the attacks on El Guri.'

He noted that the Public Ministry asked the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) to arrest Jesus Rodriguez Landoni, who was in charge of protecting the power plant and fled Venezuela on April 8.

'The investigations led to Rodriguez Landoni, who left for the United States and is living in the residence of an officer of the Armed Forces of that country,' Rodriguez stated.

The minister added that five people were arrested and 19 arrest warrants have been issued against people linked to the attacks on the SEN.

'It was a plot to break the people of Venezuela, they never thought that we would recover, we must say that we will advance until we achieve full stability,' the minister stressed.

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