


The TakeItBack Movement has continued with its commitment of engagement with the Nigerian people to move the country forward in every way that we can, using SPICER HEAT as our intervention guide.

We have resolved to start non-governmental intervention initiatives that will benefit the most vulnerable Nigerians, creating sustainable welfare and giving our people hope for tomorrow.

During the 2019 electoral campaign, we came across many of our fellow citizens who had been displaced from their homes by the Boko Haram or Farmer-Herdsmen conflicts, and were languishing in IDP camps. There are over 50 official IDP camps in the country, not to mention host communities that have had to absorb hundreds of thousands of displaced individuals.
Many of these IDP camps have been abandoned by the government citing a lack of resources to cater adequately for them and relief, when it does come is infrequent and inadequate. NGOs and international relief charities are struggling to cope with the sheer magnitude of help needed.

In the face of such great need, we felt the Take it Back Movement could make an impact within these communities, changing lives and showing leadership through example.

We were told about 16 young girls in the Gbajimba IDP camp, Benue State, who are poised to take their senior secondary exams but were at risk of not being able to participate in the exams due to a lack of funding. These young ladies were displaced as a result of Farmer-Herdsmen clashes in their communities, many losing everything they had to come and start life in an IDP camp that was meant to be temporary but became their daily existence. The immediate need was N15,000 per girl student – to cover NECO registration and administration costs incurred by the school.

TiB donors who have chosen to remain anonymous, in partnership with GAIN, pooled together to raise the funds needed and, with the help of the TiB/AAC Benue team, made a payment of N240,000 on Wednesday, 20th March for the 16 students to write their exams.

This is just the beginning. With your help and a little initiative, we will move Nigeria further than most governments do within their tenures.

If you are interested in being a part of this ground-breaking initiative and you wish to volunteer or have project ideas, please send an email to [email protected] and we will be in touch as to what skills and resources we might need for future projects. If you know of a need in your community that our impact can help, kindly send an email to the same address: [email protected] for consideration. Please note that for educational support, we are ONLY considering displaced persons and refugees who have been removed from their homes and normal sources of income and are therefore unable to support themselves financially at this time.

Join us as we #TAKEITBACK for ourselves.

Rachel Onamusi-Kpiasi
Director, PR, Media and Communications
Take it Back Movement

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