



LESSON 6, 7/4/2019

Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 213, 240
Devotional Reading: Jos. 24:1-15
Topic For Adults: Let Your Life Be Worthwhile
Topic For Youths: Don’t Make Yourself An Eye sore
Topic For Intermediates: Start On A Good Note
Lesson Scripture: 2 Thess. 3:6-14; Jn. 13:35; 1 Thess. 2:2-10; Mk. 10:9; Eph. 4:17-22

MEMORY VERSE: “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matt. 5:16) NKJV


A happy family is a haven of safety and security. A healthy family makes a strong
society. What happens in our contemporary society shows that most families have been
living below God’s expectation. The vices and immoralities prevailing currently
demonstrate that some homes are falling short of what they ought to be. There is conflict,
tension, abuse and immorality plaguing our society. In view of these, some youths are afraid
of constituting their own family. This week’s lesson centres on the need for members of
Christian home to live their lives in a way as to make themselves role models in the society.



Apostle Paul earlier commended the obedience of believers in Thessalonica. He went
further to give instruction to those who were found wanting among them. The admonition
which he gave them is relevant to the members of a Christian and church in our
contemporary time.

There were some among the Thessalonica brethren who walked disorderly. They
failed to conduct themselves according to the rule of Christianity. Every member of a
Christian family must walk worthy of the gospel.

 No member of a Christian family should be busy-body, idle, not working at all. It is
expected of every Christian to do good works in his or her family. The fact that we
expect the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ should not prevent anyone from
 It is not ideal to take the generosity of our family and church for granted. These
days, white colar jobs are not readily available, don’t stay idle. Find an hitch and fill
it. There is somebody around who needs what you can do and pay for your service.
Don’t be a burden to your family and church. Get something doing.
The body of Christ should note that Paul was not advocating that help should not be
given to those in real need but able-bodied believers must not stay idle. Any member of our
family who refuses to work must not eat. Christians must be industrious, diligent, and work
with their hand in order to serve as role models in our society.
Every member of a Christian family must show agape love to each other to show that
they are Christ’s disciples indeed (Jn. 13:35). In view of this, we must:
 do nothing with selfish ambition or wrong motive. We must have the mind of Christ – Phil. 2:5-8
 don’t result to blackmailing or get involved in unnecessary discussion. Everybody in the family should be able to trust one another.
 choose to be responsible. Love our family as Christ loves the church, endure and forebear with one another.
 don’t compromise our Christian ethics for any reasons. Friends, sinners and the world will entice us, but we must not consent.


Paul affirmed that the gospel was brought to the Thessalonians in truth and not with deceit. Though Paul had been slandered by his opponents accusing him of insincerity in his preaching of the gospel, he did not compromise with his conviction. This made him a role model in Christendom. He was bold to say ‘be ye my example as I am example of Christ.
 Each member of our family must make up their mind not to tolerate sin or compromise our belief in Christ because we want to please unbelievers around us.
 We must not allow societal values to determine the rightness and wrongness of our actions. We must be spirit-led. The Bible should be adopted to be our guide principles in whatever we do. The following questions should always be asked
when taking a decision:
 Will what I am about to do glorify God?
 Can this be done in the name of Jesus?
 Can what I am about to do bring sincere thanksgiving to the Lord Jesus?
 Is it what Christ will do if He happens to be in my position?
 Will it affect my testimony of being a child of God?
As a Christian, don’t do anything to please man or do anything that will bring reproach
to the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Be a role model to the people of faith and unbelievers.

PART 3: GROW IN GODLINESS – MK. 10:9; EPH. 4:17-22

Where there is a will, there is a way. Unbelievers and nominal Christians sometimes
break their marital vow on flimsy excuses that can be settled if they have allowed the
originator of family to intervene. Be a role model in your thought. Consider what would
have happened if God the originator of marriage has chosen to deal with you harshly and
divorce you when you failed to meet His standard.
Ensure that you don’t contribute anything that can disband what God has joined
together. God uses marriage and Christian home to depict the mystical union between
Christ and His church. Don’t do anything to disband it.
For a house to become a model building, the foundation is very essential. The whole
structure stands on the foundation. This is also true of a Christian. Who is your foundation?
Are you born again genuinely? Salvation changes man’s nature. When you are sanctified,
you grow in godliness. If there is any trait of consistent unrighteousness in your life, check
its foundation. You have to accept Jesus Christ into your life. Thereafter, ask the Lord to
help you bear spiritual fruits. This is what makes Christian life worthy model of emulation.


This lesson admonishes us to be good Christians. Allowing Jesus to control our lives
and families will make every trace of darkness to varnish. Our families and homes will
become a paradise on Earth worthy of emulation. Live your life as it becometh of true
followers of Christ. You and your household will become a family worthy to be set as an
example to follow.


1. What does it mean to walk disorderly?
2. Explain why Christians should not allow the expectation of Christ’s return prevent them from working.
3. Is it good to allow able-bodied Christians who refuse to work to eat?
4. Why is it not good to compromise our faith to please unbeliever?
5. Why is Christian foundation essential to the building of a Christian home?


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