

Chavez's Legacy Stands Out Six Years After His Death - Cuba

Havana, March 5 -  The main legacy left by the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Chavez, is the politicization of a noble, courageous people with firm ideas, said Vivian Alvarado, chargé d''affaires of the Venezuelan Embassy in Cuba.
In statements to Prensa Latina after placing floral offerings before the statue of Simón Bolívar, in homage to the Liberator and to Chávez six years after his death, Alvarado highlighted the courage of the late Venezuelan president who did not bow down to any empire.
'Today we see how the Venezuelan people vindicate our firm position not to bow down to U.S. threats, we are a free, democratic, socialist and deeply chavista country,' she said.

In the words of the Venezuelan diplomat, to remember Chavez is to remember the most humanist of all the men of his country who had to lead the ideas and made it clear in whom they could trust the future of Bolivar's homeland.
She also referred to the friendship between Havana and Caracas and described it as solid and unbreakable, committed to its peoples.

'I believe that the solidarity that Cuba has had with Venezuela during these days, taking a step forward to carry a message of peace, is one of those things that there is no way to pay for,' she said.
Referring to the government's attempts to overthrow the Bolivarian Revolution, Alvarado added that Venezuela is a hard-working country that wants peace but will never give in to the threats of any foreign power.
Earlier, Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel, through a message on Twitter, asserted that Chavez's legacy is present in those who nowadays defend this process against the aggressiveness of the United States.

'The sons of the Bolivarian Revolution today pay tribute to him, fighting bravely. In them # Chavez lives, with his love and courage,' wrote the Caribbean head of state.

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